Sunday, May 10, 2020

4 Ways To Stave Off Depression in Aging Adults

Depression is one of the most common concerns among aging adults. Around 7 million seniors are diagnosed and treated for depression every year, but it can be reduced by some healthy lifestyle changes. Experts at Home Care Vancouver share a few simple ways to help your elderly loved ones combat depression.

1. Encourage Regular Activity

Engaging in physical activity regularly is one of the effective means of reducing depression. Encourage your loved one to go for short walks each day to enhance mood by releasing endorphins (the feel-good hormone) and relieving stress. You should also go to partner him or her with walks and to offer motivation.
Regular mental activity also helps in fighting depression. Draw your loved one into a purposeful and brainstorming conversation while walking, do puzzles, or look at look at old photos together to remember the happy moments of life and to provide his or her brain a workout to eliminate the feelings of depression.

2. Monitor Symptoms

While feelings of sadness are typically what everyone imagines about depression, most signs are less noticeable. Normally, the depressive behaviors include withdrawal from people, moodiness, outbursts, lack of interest in favorite activities, frustration, and sudden changes in sleep or eating patterns. If your loved one shows two or more of these signs, find out the reasons for depression and try to make them happy. In case of extreme depression, talk with a doctor for psychological screening.

3. Be Patient and Motivate

Things can get challenging when helping a loved one fight depression. He or she may refuse your help, get isolated, or show anger, but you must stay patient, calm, and collected and be supportive. You must understand that such bouts of unusual aggressive behaviors can manifest a health condition.

4. Educate Yourself on Depression

Depression is a confusing and complex disorder that often tends to negatively influence many aspects of your loved one’s life. The better you educate yourself and understand it, the more you can do to help your loved one manage the symptoms. Talk with his or her doctor for effective ways to cope with depression.
Along with these tips, spending time with your loved one is an unmatched factor that can significantly reduce negative feelings and depression. If you cannot care for your loved one due to a busy work routine, consider hiring a professional in-home caregiver. Vancouver families should opt for a trusted senior care agency in their area. A caregiver can ensure your loved one stays safe and healthy while aging in the comfort of home.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Dangerous Situations and Safety Tips For Women In Parking Lots and Garages

A crime can occur anywhere, any time and unsuspecting victims can fall prey to dangerous people. Women are main targets, not only for robbers but rapists as well. They often become victim of physical assaults. Various security guards from reputable security agencies have listed parking lots and garages as places where women need to be extra careful and vigilant and take precautionary measures.

  • Hiding Places

Parking lots and garages, especially those located in basements are hotbeds for crime against women.  Stealthy predators often crouch and hide near parked cars to pounce on you and catch you off-guard. They make sure to target victims who are distracted and they leave almost no time for you to grab that pepper spray or make use of any other alert system.

  • Unaware Victims/Use of Cell Phones

The best way to protect yourself and prevent becoming a victim is to be alert at all times, even of the cars moving in different lanes so that there is no surprise factor. Avoid using cell phones and earphones. Keep your keys, pepper spray/alarm in reach and the moment you sense the danger, run for your life and scream as much as you can. Use your handbag or purse to thwart the attacker in case he holds a knife or gun.

  • Friendly Attackers

Even if someone is asking for an address, is a Good Samaritan or seems harmless, avoid them. Even if it may seem rude, it is better for you to be safe than sorry. A sensible person would understand your safety concerns as a woman and wouldn’t put you in a compromising situation at all.

  • Rape Victims

Most of the rape victims were abducted when they were talking on their cell phones, listening to music or answered the seemingly innocent looking rapist.

  • Occupied Hands

Another precautionary measure for women in the parking lots and garages is that at least one hand should be free. The easiest victims are the ones carrying a child or holding grocery/shopping bags in both hands. It is advisable to either ask someone to accompany you or you can always ask the store’s security guard to escort you.

  • Safely Loading Your Car

Women loading cars, especially those with a baby or two are the most vulnerable victims for rapists and robbers both. As a mother you are responsible for more than one life, so you need to be extra alert and practice precautionary measures to keep both you and your baby safe.

The best option would be to place yourself in such a position that your are sandwiched between the car door and the cart (both of which can be used as weapons if the need arises). First load the groceries and let the baby stay in the cart till you are finished. Again, keep your pepper spray and your alarm within reach. A car trunk can also provide you protection if you would invest in a convex mirror which can alert you of someone creeping up on you stealthily.

Finally, when you are loading your baby in the car, do not stand outside. Climb into the rear seat carrying your baby and lock all the doors and there should be no open windows either. Buckle up your baby in the safety-seat and climb on to the driver seat from the rear if possible. If not, then check your surroundings thoroughly, keep your pepper spray in hand and quickly climb into the driver’s seat and immediately lock the doors.

However, it is even better to have an unarmed or armed security guard from the store escort you till you drive out of the parking lot.

Amelia Smith is a nature loving and professional writer. She loves to help others find ways to make life fun and aging easier to enjoy life, therefore, her major topic that catches her fancy is making life a better experience. She works with Home Care Vancouver to pass on her knowledge and efforts to spread happiness.